Plan, Write, and Successfully Launch Your Book to #1 Best-Seller on Amazon

Publish Your Best-Selling Book, Build Your Brand, And Impact The World!

You're about to...

Find time

You'll have dedicated time and follow a program that will help you organize your workload and distribute your tasks into small, easy to follow, bite-sized steps.

Feel confident

Follow our proven Self-Publishing Made Simple launch sequence so you'll know for sure that you're on the right track to #1 Amazon Best-Seller success.

Be inspired

You will be in the company of friendly and supportive people so you can bounce off ideas to each other and know that you're not alone in this journey.

Power through

When you have the accountability and support to keep moving forward, you'll breakthrough your challenges effortlessly and get your book done.

Get it done!

It takes more than discipline and will power to get your book done. You need the right environment and support to finish your masterpiece.

Feel like you're never going to get your book done?

You're probably reading this page because you want to write a book but you never got the chance to do it.

Maybe you're super busy with growing your business.

Or maybe you have family commitments and other priorities which is why you could never find the time to get your book done.

I understand. I've been there too.

Life happens and it's very easy to put your "book plans" in the back burner because there are more urgent things you need to deal with right now.

But the longer you put your plans on hold, the more you get frustrated about yourself and the more you feel upset about not making this ambition come true.

Sure, you have the will power and motivation to do it.  But it's never easy to do it on your own. 

To get your book done, you need the right environment and support to help you organize your ideas and map it all out of your head and onto the page.

Let's help you make it happen!!

I had dreamt of writing a book for years, and so when I met Emee, I knew she was the right person to support me. Her 12-week program is such high value. I learned so much not only about writing but also how to publish my book. Emee is generous, kind, and supportive and very knowledgeable, and being in a group kept me accountable and motivated. I wrote and published my book to #1 bestseller in just 4 months! Thank you for making my dreams come true!

Julie Leonard

#1 Best-Selling Author of  Intentional Happiness

Gita Joshi

#1 Best-Selling Author of  Show Your Art

Emee helped me get my book completed, and then launch at #1 on Amazon in multiple categories. Emee was hugely important to the process of bringing my book into the world. Without her my book might still be on my 'To do' list. Instead it is out in the world and impacting lives.



You don't know where to start

You sort of know what is involved in writing and self-publishing a book... but you feel so overwhelmed that you don't know what you should do first and where to begin! You need a proven plan so you can take one simple step at a time to get your book done.

You struggle to find time 

You're an action taker and you have a lot of projects on your plate. You know that writing a book can serve your audience but you just don't know how you'll squeeze it in your busy schedule. You need accountability and support to add this project in your diary.

You want to make a difference in people's lives

You are passionate about how your message can help other people but you're not sure if you have what it takes to write a book. You need encouragement and mindset shifts to help you overcome your limiting beliefs about writing and publishing a book.

You've tried before but failed

You've written an outline and tried to write a couple of chapters but you never really got the chance to finish it. You need to understand that this happens (even to the best of us) and you can always try again and start over.

You're a maladaptive perfectionist

You can't start writing your book because you are too afraid that it will be never good enough. You need to overcome your fear of rejection and failure to make big things happen!

I would highly recommend working with Emee to write your book and reach the number #1 best seller on Amazon! I couldn’t have done it without her as I didn’t believe I had the time or the know how. Emee will gently guide you all the way. Thanks so much.

Louise Armstrong

#1 Best-Selling Author of  
Change The Way You See Yourself Today

Michelle Perry

#1 Best-Selling Author of  
Pebble in  My Shoe

One of the best decisions I have made for myself was to work with Dr. Emee Vida Estacio! Her supportive, honest, and encouraging coaching style helped me go from idea, to manuscript, to self published, to #1 international bestselling author! I highly and strongly recommend working with her if you are wanting to self publish a book!


When you are holding on to an important piece of information that could inspire and help someone else, then you know that you have the obligation to share it. 

If your fears are holding you back and you feel stuck because you don't know what you need to do, then you must reach out and ask for help to get you moving forward.

You are not the first person to write a book and you certainly won't be the last.

You can write a book and learn how to self-publish by learning from those who have done it before.

The Get It Done Hub is designed to help you plan your book and launch it to #1 Amazon Best-Seller using a proven  strategy that gets results.

I'll be sharing the methods I’ve used that will get your booked mapped out, published and launched  to #1 Best-Seller on Amazon.

You’ll get the support and accountability you need to get you started and help you finish your book once and for all. 

I know you can help so many people with your message.

So c'mon, let's do this, together!

This is the best class ever! There is a process to becoming a best seller and Emee guides you each step of the way! I would recommend this class to anyone with a book in their hearts! This dream will come true!"

Tawnie Breaux

#1 Best-Selling Author of Women in Power


"It has been my dream for many years to write a book and I finally did. 

I took two years and wrote a unique supernatural suspense.

My testers loved it and I was excited to hit publish on Amazon. 

However, the story was lost in a crowd of millions of other novels.

It was incredibly frustrating and discouraging.

I didn’t know what to do and I had no idea how to fix the problem.

Then I found Emee and her wonderful Facebook group, Self Publishing Made Simple. 

It is an amazing community of entrepreneurs interested in publishing their own books to supporting their small businesses. 

I love this group.

It has helped me network and grow as an independent author. 

But I needed more. 

I needed to cut through all of the misinformation and down-right scams out there.

I needed help to publish my next book, a non-fiction vegan cookbook, in a way that would help me get noticed.

I needed to know what the inside secrets were to successfully publish on Amazon.

When Emee invited me to join her Get It Done Challenge, I couldn’t say yes fast enough.

I jumped on board and joined this private program with my fellow entrepreneurs.

We were there and in it together to publish our books on the Amazon platform within a specified 12 week period. It was exciting and scary, but I was committed.

There was nothing to be afraid of. Emee was an amazing mentor. 

She kept me on track with timing.

She encouraged me in areas where I got overwhelmed, fell behind, or was simply confused. And she wasn’t afraid to be honest and even push me when I needed it. 

She offered weekly group Q & A sessions that were valuable and thorough.

The experience and knowledge she shared was priceless. 

And when I struggled with my keyword research, she helped me work out all of the kinks. She went above-and-beyond by taking a look at my promotional plan and schedule and offered feedback to strengthen the launch.

Guess what?

When I did finally launch, I was number one on multiple Amazon book categories... and within a week, I had earned a BESTSELLER badge. Wow! 

This program works!

If you are serious about publishing your own book and feel overwhelmed, Emee’s Get It Done Challenge will help you. 

It will keep you on track.

It will take away the confusion.

It will get you published.

And you will learn the secrets to getting YOU and your book to bestseller status.

Be sure to sign up today. 

Only a limited number of students can enroll to ensure quality mentoring so don’t delay.  Make it happen for you too. 

This is worth every penny.

~ Amanda Leeber 

#1 Best-Selling Author of the Trying Out Vegan Cookbook Series and Solopreneur

Emee was a huge help in planning, writing, and publishing my book. Her support has been nothing but amazing. She guides, empowers, and over delivers.

I'm so grateful for having met her and being coached by her. My book got to #1 even before the official public launch, and days after publishing, I outranked some of the biggest names in SEO and content marketing! It still feels surreal!

Emee knows her thing and she does it so well. And I appreciate how warm and friendly her approach is. She made me feel comfortable and confident all throughout my self publishing journey."

Joice Carrera

#1 Best-Selling Author,  Content Writing 101


* * *

Ready to let go of the fear?

Ready to turn your thoughts into action?

Ready to write your book and launch it to the top?

Anke Mackensen

#1 Best-Selling Author of Living with Daily Pain

Without the help of Emee, my book wouldn't have been published. I felt supported throughout the process and was able to ask any question any time. I found it very useful to have someone who holds you accountable.  I highly recommend Emee to anyone who wants to publish a book.

Nobody was more surprised than me when my book ‘How To Recover From Pet Loss’ hit #1 Hot New Release in multiple categories. Pet Bereavement is so niche that my expectations were not high but I am delighted to have far exceeded what I thought was possible and it’s all down to Dr Emee Vida Estacio. I had no clue where to start but the course was very well designed, planned and executed with regular check-ins and the opportunity to ask questions as they arose. The community is incredibly supportive too. I cannot express my gratitude or recommend The Get It Done Challenge highly enough. I’m excited to see what happens next and what opportunities await me in the future.

Wendy Andrew

#1 Best-Selling Author of
How to Recover from Pet Loss



Weekly Lessons

Structured Action Steps

I will teach you how to plan, write, publish and launch your book to #1 Amazon Best-Seller, the Self-Publishing Made Simple Way.

This is the "challenge" part of this program. I will guide you through specific action steps every week to help you take one small step at a time.


Group Coaching

You are more likely to stick to your goals if you have personal accountability and support. We will help you stay true to your book plans and cheer you on every week.

If you get stuck, we'll help you get unstuck. We have regular group coaching sessions so you can share your challenges and help you overcome your limiting beliefs so you can get on with your book and finish it! 

Emee was a pivotal part of getting my book to number one on Amazon! There is no way I could have published my book without her. Whether you are a first-time author or you are a veteran, Emee will help you with things you didn't even know you needed help with!

Matt Essam

#1 Best-Selling Author of Create and Prosper


When you sign up for the Get It Done Challenge, you won’t have to figure it all out yourself. That’s because you’ll be joining an exclusive and supportive Facebook Community of aspiring authors like you. A group of people all working toward the same goal, who are excited to build each other up by answering questions and providing support and encouragement. You might even make a few lifelong friends along the way!

The 12-Week "Get It Done" Program

Week 1. The Foundations get started with your WHY and clarify your purpose. We'll also dive into your market research so you'll know how to position your book in the Amazon marketplace and write one your readers will LOVE.

Week 2. Plan Your Book - create your bestseller roadmap and lay out the contents of your book. Gain clarity and know exactly what you'll be writing for each chapter!

Weeks 3-6. Write Your Bestseller - get the support and accountability to write your book. Stay focused and finish writing your book in just 4 weeks! We'll make it happen.

Week 7. Craft Your Winning Title - very important! We'll spend a whole week crafting a title that will capture the essence of your book and attract the attention of your readers.

Week 8. Book Cover, Formatting and Editing - want to stand out from the millions of books on Amazon? We'll create a book cover and description that will entice readers to click and purchase. We'll also sort out editing and formatting and get ready to publish!

Weeks 9-10. PR and Marketing - let's get your promo strategy sorted. We'll build a launch team and follow the proven launch sequence to get your book to #1 bestseller on Amazon!

Weeks 11-12. Ready to Launch - this is it!! Time to shine on Amazon. We'll get your book to #1 bestseller and inspire your audience.

Working with Emee has led to the realization of one of my greatest dreams: to become a best selling author globally. Our collaboration was a dream come true. Everything else fell into place smoothly and we managed to launch my book and earn that elusive #1 best seller badge in Amazon within 2.5 weeks. Yup guys, she’s that good!

Myke Celis

#1 Best-Selling Author, #bestmeever Series



Find a structured plan for your book
Follow a proven system so you can get your book written, published and launched successfully on Amazon.

Learn how to write a book your readers will love

Discover how keyword and market research will help you explore your readers' deepest needs and desires

Take consistent action

You will have guided accountability and support so you can take one small step at a time to keep you going until your book is done.

Trust that you have what it takes to write a book
Overcome your limiting beliefs and embrace the truth that your message is worth sharing. 

Join the #1 Best-Seller Club

Go through the exact same process me and my students have gone through to get our books to #1 Best-Seller on Amazon on launch week.

Make an impact

Share your knowledge and experience through the pages of your book and serve your audience in a meaningful way.

There’s nothing better than modelling successful people. And that’s what I’m doing. Setting goals with Emee and following through. If there are some of you who haven’t had a chance yet to be coached by Emee, I would thoroughly recommend it."

Symon Cope

#1 Best-Selling Author, 50 Years of Pain 



The Proven Self-Publishing Made Simple Process that will get you to plan, write, publish and launch your book to #1 Best-Seller on Amazon 

Weekly targets and action plans so you can take one small step at a time until you get your book is done

Regular group coaching and LIVE Q&A's for accountability and support

Companion worksheets to help you structure your book ideas and chapters

Exclusive Get It Done Members Only Group so you can share your wins and challenges with us

Guided lessons on keyword research, category research, book covers, promos and your power launch 


* Renews monthly. Cancel anytime -- just let us know.

* Please note that The Get It Done Hub is non-refundable. We believe so deeply in the process you are about to learn and encourage you to enrol with a commitment to seeing your challenge through.


Emee coached me from start to finish and my book got to #1 in 4 categories. It was so good to have Emee at my side offering her insights, guidance and support. I couldn't have done this without her encouraging and motivating me along the way. A worthwhile investment.

Dr Catherine Sykes

#1 Best-Selling Author of Slim Mind and Exhausted

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do in this challenge?

You will receive guided structure and accountability to plan, write, publish and launch your book to #1 best-seller on Amazon. Yes, there's a lot to do!! But to avoid overwhelm, we will set bite-sized tasks  inside the membership. We'll take it a step at a time.

How much time commitment do I need?

On average, you'll need about 20 minutes a week to learn the weekly task inside the group. You are also encouraged to allocate between 5-10 hours a week to implement what you've learned. If you can allocate more time, then that's even better.

What if I can't keep up?

When you join this membership, you are making a conscious decision and commitment to write and publish your book. You are encouraged to block time in your diary to get the tasks done. If you lag behind, don't worry. There's no pressure, however, you are encouraged to keep up so you can maintain the momentum and get the job done. Remember, once your book's done, it's done! 

I'm already published. Can I still join?

Of course. If you are already published and would like to learn how to re-launch your book to #1 best-seller, then this challenge will show you EXACTLY what you need to do. We will go through the proven launch sequence that will take your book from zero sales to #1 best-seller on Amazon. 

What if I need one-to-one support?

This challenge is essentially set-up as a group coaching and learning environment. If you need more personal support and mentoring from Emee, you can book one-to-one VIP coaching sessions here

What's your refund policy?

Sorry, but The Get It Done Challenge is non-refundable. When you join, we expect you to commit to the challenge. We believe deeply in the process you are about to take and we encourage you to take it seriously. We will support you to get your book done but we can't do it for you. We will guide you through the process but it's entirely your responsibility to act upon it.

I have other questions...

Feel free to get in touch with us --we're a super friendly bunch. Just click here.

Or you can book a call to explore if The Get It Done Challenge is right for you.

Hi there! I'm Emee.
Founder of Self-Publishing Made Simple.

I help successful entrepreneurs, coaches, and visionaries expand their reach by writing and publishing their books on the world’s largest online book retailer – Amazon!

I believe we all have something important to share in this world. Writing a book is one way to reach and inspire people with our gifts.

There was a time when I believed that I wasn't good enough to write a book. That I didn't know enough. That I wasn't expert enough. These are thoughts I had to overcome, so I know where you're at.

But since I learned how to self-publish, I felt empowered.

I have launched all of my books to #1 Best-Seller, even without a publicist. I learned about a proven process for a successful Amazon book launch and I have taught my students how to do the same. Every single one of them got the same result -- #1 Amazon Best-Seller during launch week!

And now, I want to help you get your book out there so you can share your message to those who need to hear it.

Let me help you take one simple step at a time to avoid analysis paralysis, so you can get on to writing and publishing your book in 90 days or less, even with a full-time job and/or a busy family life.

Together, we can turn your passion into a #1 best-seller on Amazon.  

Let's do this!! xx

Any questions? Email us at

Or you can book a call to explore if The Get It Done Challenge is right for you.