Want to launch your book to #1 Best-Seller on Amazon before the year ends? 

In this 60-minute mini-workshop, you'll...

  • Learn about Amazon best-seller secrets and how you can optimize your book to maximize visibility during launch week
  • Organize your self-publishing workload and distribute your tasks into small, easy to follow, bite-sized steps to avoid overwhelm
  • Follow our PROVEN launch sequence so you'll know for sure that you're on the right track to Best-Seller success!

Without her, my book might still be on my 'To do' list.

Emee helped me get my book completed, and then launch at #1 on Amazon in multiple categories. Emee was hugely important to the process of bringing my book into the world. Without her my book might still be on my 'To do' list. Instead it is out in the world and impacting lives.

Gita Joshi

Whether you are a first-time author or you are a veteran...

Emee was a pivotal part of getting my book to number one on Amazon! There is no way I could have published my book without her. Whether you are a first-time author or you are a veteran, Emee will help you with things you didn't even know you needed help with!

Matt Essam

This is the best class ever! 

There is a process to becoming a best seller and Emee guides you each step of the way! I would recommend this class to anyone with a book in their hearts! This dream will come true!

Tawnie Breaux

Get Your Book On Track To #1 Best-Seller Success on Amazon! 

£37 only



  • 60-minute workshop to walk you through the best-seller launch process, including steps that separate the "pros" from the "amateurs"
  • Best-Seller Roadmap - your step-by-step guide to self-publishing and launching your book successfully on Amazon
  • BONUS training on validating your book idea, recommended tools, book promotion, and so much more!

I didn’t believe I had the time or the know how...

I would highly recommend working with Emee to write your book and reach the number #1 best seller on Amazon! I couldn’t have done it without her as I didn’t believe I had the time or the know how. Emee will gently guide you all the way. Thanks so much.

Louise Armstrong

One of the best decisions I have made!

One of the best decisions I have made for myself was to work with Dr. Emee Vida Estacio! Her supportive, honest, and encouraging coaching style helped me go from idea, to manuscript, to self published, to #1 international bestselling author! I highly and strongly recommend working with her if you are wanting to self publish a book!

Michelle Perry

A worthwhile investment!

Emee coached me from start to finish and my book got to #1 in 4 categories. It was so good to have Emee at my side offering her insights, guidance and support. I couldn't have done this without her encouraging and motivating me along the way. A worthwhile investment.

Dr Catherine Sykes

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