Turn Your Existing Content Into A Best-Selling Book... And Drive New Leads Into Your Online Business

So, you're an online coach and want to impact lives. Now you're looking for a simpler way to reach more people and elevate your brand.

You've thought about posting on social media everyday.

But you're always creating new content and it's taking too much of your time. And, engagement on social media is dropping - so you're not sure if your ideal clients are even seeing your posts. 

You've thought about hosting a podcast.

But you're worried about how much time it will take to record and edit each episode. And with increasing competition with podcasts, you're not sure how you'll get people to find you and listen to your show.

You've thought about selling an online course.

You've started creating modules and building your course platform. But when you tried to launch it, all you heard were crickets. You ask if it was worth your time and if your business will ever level up.

You want to grow your coaching business
without chasing after leads, all day long...

What if you stopped overthinking - and just started creating your #1 Best-Selling Book using content you already have?

Here's The Deal With Growing Your Coaching Business in 2021...

People are tired of overnight, self-proclaimed experts

In a world where you can call yourself an expert in just about anything, your ideal clients want to work with someone who truly knows their stuff. NO more fakers. They want someone with credibility and who knows what they're talking about. 

People want REAL coaches who are not afraid to be vulnerable

Some coaches hide behind the illusion of perfection. They portray photo shopped versions of themselves that are unrealistic. But people are now looking for coaches who are just like them. Not perfect. But they feel a deep personal connection  based on genuine trust. 

You can establish your EXPERTISE and build TRUST through the pages of your book!

Show 'em what you've got and serve them well with your book. You can be vulnerable and share stories that will make your readers know, like, and trust you, even if they've never heard about you before.

... and that's where Content to Clients comes in!





Publishing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to get this done, you need to lay your foundations. Dig deep and be clear about your purpose, who will benefit from book, and its lasting impact in this world.



Still not sure what you should write about? No problem. We'll guide you through the market research process and help you find profitable book topics that work on Amazon. Validate your ideas and feel confident about your book, even before you write a single word!



If you're writing a book that will serve your business, you need to know where your book fits in your overall funnel. Whether you're using your book for brand awareness, lead generation, or upsell stage, we've got you covered!



You've been creating a TON of free content out there. Maybe you already have an eBook, a blog, podcast episodes, webinars, and some musings here and there. We'll show you how you can repurpose existing content and use them for your book!



Create a workable plan to get it done. Turn your bright ideas into reality with our step-by-step guide to go from blank page to #1 Best-Seller in 90 days or less!

When you create a Best-Selling Book, you're adding an Evergreen Asset that can work for you and your business 24/7.



Turn Your Existing Content Into A Best-Selling Book... And Drive New Leads Into Your Online Business

What's inside:

Book Clarity and Biz Strategy Training
(value £297)

Create Your Content Audit and Book Plan Training (value £297)

Amazon Self-Publishing Secrets to #1 Best-Seller Training (value: £297)

BONUS Workbook: Your Best-Seller Roadmap (value £97)

BONUS Training: How to Validate Your Book Ideas with Keyword Research  
(value: £47)

BONUS: Best-Selling Authors Club
Case Studies (value: £17)

(Total Value £1,052)

Today's price:
just £37


If you don't write your book within a year, just let us know and we'll give your money back.

Here's exactly what we'll cover inside Content to Clients




  • The #1 mistake newbie self-published authors make
  • Strategic ways on how you can use your book to grow your business
  • Easy ways to validate your book idea before you start writing



30 MINS 

  • How to create your book outline that will make writing a breeze
  • The secret to writing a book your readers will love
  • How to avoid feeling overwhelmed if you have too many ideas




  • How to get your book done, even if you have a full-time job, running a business, and/or have a busy family and social life
  • Self-publishing secrets that will help you gain a competitive advantage in the market
  • How to overcome your fear and self-doubt when imposter syndrome strikes

Everything You Need To map out your ideas and Get Started with your best-selling book, today!

What if you don't know where to start?

When you've got too many bright ideas inside your head, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and get stuck in analysis paralysis.

Don't worry. We've got you covered!


Keyword and market research training

Got too many ideas? Not sure what to focus on? Learn how to gain valuable insight into what's on demand on Amazon and let the market tell you what readers want! 



Get your ideas out of your head and onto the pages of your book. Map it all out in your Content to Clients Workbook and create a workable plan to make it happen!



Be inspired and learn from REAL online entrepreneurs. Listen how they leveraged the power of a #1 Best-Selling Book to elevate their brand and grow their business.

Your #1 Best-Seller

Dream Come True

I outranked some of the biggest names in SEO and content marketing!

My book got to #1 even before the official public launch, and days after publishing, I outranked some of the biggest names in SEO and content marketing! It still feels surreal!

Joice Carrera 

SEO Content Specialist

Without her, my book might still be on my 'To do' list.

Emee helped me get my book completed, and also then launch at # 1 on Amazon in multiple categories. Without her my book might still be on my 'To do' list. Instead it is out in the world and impacting lives

Gita Joshi

Podcaster and Art Curator

This is the best class ever!

This is the best class ever! There is a process to becoming a best seller and Emee guides you each step of the way! I would recommend this class to anyone with a book in their hearts! This dream will come true!"

Tawnie Breaux
Founder | Books, Beauty and Business

#1 Best Seller in less than 3 weeks!

This has led to the realization of one of my greatest dreams: to become a best selling author globally. I  managed to launch my book and earn that elusive #1 best seller badge in Amazon less than 3 weeks. Yup guys, it's that good!

Myke Celis
Global Master Coach | BestMeEver

You can serve and impact so many lives with your best-selling book!

Hi there, I'm Emee.

I help successful entrepreneurs, coaches, and visionaries expand their reach by writing and publishing their books on the world’s largest online book retailer – Amazon!

I believe we all have something important to share in this world.  Writing a book is one way to reach and inspire people with our gifts.

There was a time when I believed that I wasn't good enough to write a book. That I didn't know enough. 

That I wasn't expert enough.

These are thoughts I had to overcome, so I know where you're at.

But since I learned how to self-publish, I felt empowered.

I have launched all of my books to #1 Best-Seller, even without a publicist. I learned about a proven process for a successful Amazon book launch and I have taught my students how to do the same.

Every single one of them got the same result -- #1 Amazon Best-Seller during launch week!

And now, I want to help you get your book out there so you can share your message to those who need to hear it.

Let me help you take one simple step at a time to avoid analysis paralysis, so you can turn your passion into a #1 best-seller on Amazon.  

Let's do this!! xx


Turn Your Existing Content Into A Best-Selling Book... And Drive New Leads Into Your Online Business

Here's what you'll get:

Book Clarity and Biz Strategy Training
(value £297)

Create Your Content Audit and Book Plan Training (value £297)

Amazon Self-Publishing Secrets to #1 Best-Seller Training (value: £297)

BONUS Workbook: Your Best-Seller Roadmap (value £97)

BONUS Training: How to Validate Your Book Ideas with Keyword Research  
(value: £47)

BONUS: Best-Selling Authors Club
Case Studies (value: £17)

(Total Value £1,052)

Today's price:
just £37


If you don't write your book within a year, just let us know and we'll give your money back. 

I was finally able to publish my book!

With this workshop I was inspired to finally write my book. With Emee's help and support I was able to become an international best seller. Emee is so supportive and encouraging and her program really works. I would highly recommend this to anyone wishing to self publish a book.

Sarah Edwards-Keeling | Animal Healer & Communicator | Spiritheart Holistic Animal Therapy

Thank you for making my dreams come true!

I had dreamt of writing a book for years. Her program is such high value. I learned so much not only about writing but also how to publish my book. I wrote and published my book to #1 bestseller in just 4 months! 

Julie Leonard | Life Coach | Intentional Happiness Circle

With Content to Clients, you'll finally... 


Stay grounded in your purpose and clarify your WHY so you can stay focused and complete this project!


Validate your book idea and gain market insight into what sells on Amazon before you start writing!


Create a business strategy that uses your book to generate warm leads and grow your biz on autopilot!


Map out your ideas into a clear and workable outline so you can start creating your best-selling book!


Get a step closer to becoming a #1 Best-Selling Author and learn about the secrets of Amazon self-publishing!

So many online coaches, just like you, are joining Content to Clients. Here's why...

Still got questions? 
We've got answers...

How much time do I need for this?

It will take you less than 2 hours to watch the training videos and another hour or so to do your business mapping, content audit, and book outline. All in all, if you block one afternoon to do this, you'll be good to go and start writing your book!


I want to create a book for my biz but I don't have a topic yet?

No problem. During the training sessions, I'll show you how to find book ideas that work well on Amazon and how you can choose a topic that makes sense for your business, your audience, and your goals. 


I'm already published. Is this still good for me?

Oh yes! If you're already published and want to relaunch your book, this workshop will show you how you can use your book to serve your business and what you can do to get you from zero sales to #1 Best-Seller on Amazon.


How much time will it take to launch my first book?

If you have existing content, you can get your first book launched to best-seller on Amazon in less than a month!

You’ll need 2 hours to watch the training videos, 1-2 hours to audit your existing content, 1-3 hours to write your introduction and additional content, 3-5 hours to edit your first draft, and 15-20 minutes a day over a 3 week timeline to implement the self-publishing sequence.

Later, you might spend more time refining different sections of your book, your email list builder and book promo materials, but you can probably get a great first draft of your book done in a day or two.


Does this work only for online businesses?

Not at all. This workshop will show you how you can use your book as an asset for your business - no matter if you're set-up face-to-face or online.

What if I need one-to-one support?

This workshop is set-up as a self-paced learning environment. If you need more personal support and mentoring, you can book one-to-one VIP coaching sessions here.

I have other questions...

Feel free to get in touch. Just click here.


Turn Your Existing Content Into A Best-Selling Book... And Drive New Leads Into Your Online Business

1 year Guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee

This workshop comes with a 1-year money back guarantee.

If you don't write your book within a year, just let us know and we'll give your money back.

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