self publishing made simple


Join us in this 4-Week Online Programme and transform the way you think and feel about yourself so you can write your book confidence and embrace your true worth.

Want to know what it's like to fully embrace your true worth?

You're probably reading this because you feel as if you're not good enough to write a book.

Maybe you say things to yourself like, "I am not expert enough" or "No one will ever take me seriously."

You may be feeling tired of holding on to this thought.

And now, you want to turn a new leaf. 

I know what that's like -- I've been there myself!

Be assured that you're not the only one who feels this way sometimes.

But unlike other self-help gurus who'll ask you to fight these feelings, I'd encourage you to acknowledge these.

It's part of our human experience to feel self-doubt.

Instead of suppressing it, you need to explore what triggers you to feel this way.

This takes a lot of courage.

And I'll be here to support you.



You feel you're not good enough

You may know a lot of things about your topic but you feel as if it's not enough. You ask yourself, "who am I to do this?" and you worry that people will think you're a fool to even attempt to write a book about it.

You feel uncomfortable when people compliment you

You're amazing at what you do and people tell you about it. And yet, you brush off the nice things they tell you and you say to yourself, "they are just being nice to me." You can't see the awesomeness other people see in you.

You feel bad when you compare yourself to others

Yes, you may be good at what you do. But you always find someone else who does it better. And when you compare yourself to others, you feel bad at how you're not as good as them.

You feel like a fraud

You know your stuff, and yet, you still feel as if you're just winging it. And you're afraid that sooner or later people will find out that you're really just faking it!


When you are holding back from your true potential, then you know that you're not fulfilling your purpose. 

If your fears are holding you back and you feel stuck because you don't know what you need to do, then you must reach out and ask for help to get you moving forward.

You are not the first person to feel this way and you certainly won't be the last.

You can learn to embrace your true worth and believe in yourself so you can flourish with confidence at work and in life.

The Mindset Reset Programme is designed to help you explore your thoughts so you can transform them and embrace your true worth.

When you join the Mindset Reset Programme for Authors, you’ll get instruction and guidance from me!

I'll be sharing methods I’ve used in applied psychology to help my clients achieve mindset shifts to help them become more self-aware and confident about themselves.

I know you can write your book with confidence and achieve so much with your untapped potential, if only you embraced your true worth.

So c'mon, let's do this, together!


* * *

Ready to let go of the fear?

Ready to shift your thoughts?

Ready to write your book with confidence?


Daily Mindset Prompts

Over the next four weeks, you will receive emails from us every weekday (Monday to Friday) at 7 am. This email will detail specific tasks and questions that will guide you through self-reflection and directed action.

Community and Peer Support

As part of this programme, you will also be invited to a private community for aspiring and experienced authors so you can have peer support and accountability so you can shift your limiting beliefs and get your book done.



Transform your thoughts 
Understand where your beliefs are coming from so you can focus on what truly matters so you can fulfil your potential.

Take consistent action

You will have guided accountability and support so you can take one small step at a time and maintain your progress.

Feel good about yourself
Overcome your limiting beliefs and embrace the true value you bring to this world. 

Make an impact

When you learn to recognise and appreciate your worth, you'll have more confidence to share your abilities and serve others in a meaningful way.


Evidence-based strategies from applied psychology to transform your thoughts and feel better for good 

Self-reflection prompts and guided action delivered straight to your email 

Community and peer support so you won't feel alone in this journey



* Please note that MINDSET RESET is non-refundable. We believe so deeply in the process you are about to learn and encourage you to enrol with a commitment to seeing your programme through.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do in this programme?

This online programme uses a reflective approach to encourage self-directed “enlightenment” and learning. Over the next four weeks, you will receive an email from us every weekday (Monday to Friday) at 7 am. This email will detail specific tasks and questions that will guide you through self-reflection and directed action.

How much time commitment do I need?

You're encouraged to allocate a dedicated slot in your calendar for about 15-20 minutes a day for this. Make this SOLID and undistracted so you can make the most out of this programme.

What if I can't keep up?

When you join this programme, you are making a conscious decision and commitment to shift your mindset so you can flourish with confidence at work. You are encouraged to block time in your diary to get the tasks done. If you lag behind, don't worry. You just need to make up for it in your own time. There's no pressure, however, you are encouraged to keep up so you can maintain the momentum. 

What if I need one-to-one support?

This programme is designed so you can work through your limiting beliefs yourself. However, if you need 1:1 support, you can book a coaching call with Dr Emee by leaving a message here

What's your refund policy?

Sorry, but The Mindset Reset Programme is non-refundable. When you join, we expect you to commit to the programme. We believe deeply in the process you are about to take and we encourage you to take it seriously. We will support you through the process but it's entirely your responsibility to act upon it.

I have other questions...

Feel free to get in touch with us --we're a super friendly bunch. Just click here.

Hi there! I'm Emee.
Founder of Self-Publishing Made Simple

"Hi, I'm Emee and it is my mission to help as many entrepreneurs, coaches, and visionaries, just like you, to build the confidence and know-how to write and publish their own books.  

I believe we all have something important to share in this world. Writing a book is one way to reach and inspire people with our gifts. 

We all experience self-doubt from time to time.  This is part of human nature. There was a time when I believed that I wasn't good enough.

That I didn't know enough.
That I wasn't expert enough.

These are thoughts I had to overcome, so I know where you're at.

But since I embraced my truth, I felt empowered.

As a psychologist, I have over 20 years experience in academia, supporting students in higher education and professional development.

I have written 50+ research publications, including 3x #1 best-selling psychology books on Amazon. 

I have helped thousands of readers, students and clients online to overcome self-doubt, manage fear, and change their life for good. 

I LOVE witnessing their transformations and embracing their fullest potential.

And now, I am helping aspiring authors all over the world to do the same -- and I'm excited to invite you to come to learn how too."

Emee x

Dr Emee Vida Estacio, PhD, CPsychol, SFHEA

Best-Selling Author | Psychologist | Self-Publishing Expert

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