Stop feeling like a fraud in 30 days!

Learn about Imposter Syndrome and how to cope with it in Dr. E. V. Estacio’s book, The Imposter Syndrome Remedy. 

It provides a 30-day step-by-step action plan to help you stop feeling like a fraud. Based on scientifically proven techniques from applied psychology, this book will help you better understand and manage Imposter Syndrome. 

It also comes with a FREE workbook so you can monitor and track your progress.

Download your copy of Imposter Syndrome Remedy today.

What Amazon readers are saying about
The Imposter Syndrome Remedy


The most awaited book of 2018. I have waited to read this book for ages and ages. Considering that I was quite unwell when I downloaded the book, I was very pleased while reading the book. It helped to act as a welcome distraction and a source of great happiness. I read the first book in the series last year and I learnt so much from both of them. Throughout the book, I was highlighting phrases and exclaiming "yes, this is me", " this is what I feel." The explanations are easy to digest and the information is wonderfully kept that even those not blessed with knowing psychological jargon can understand and apply the principles mentioned in the book. -- Neelam


As a licensed professional counselor in private practice, I find this book to be very readable and understandable for the average client. This book has very practical advice and motivational steps for the reader to work through the process outlined by the author. -- Dawn Irons


I haven't found many resources on imposter syndrome and this is a nice one. It describes it in a way that's simple to understand. I really like the 30 day action plan at the end - very helpful. I also like the length of this book. So many self helps are too long and dry so and I end up never finishing them. This book tells me what I need to know and gives me a plan quickly. I definitely could have used this when I started medical school years ago. Very helpful for me! -- Aurora


The Impostor Syndrome Remedy is succinct and well organized. This book doesn't read like a scientific text, but is very accessible to the common reader. I believe anyone beset by Impostor Syndrome would easily find help with this book. -- Beth Bird


I found this book very helpful to understand my destructive thinking. It comes with a free 30 day action plan that I can’t wait to put into action. -- Walter Mulder


You want to stop that nagging chatter in your head which is constantly sabotaging yourself? This is a 30 day plan that will work. After reading the PAME Code from this author I could not wait to get my hands on this material. Dr. E V Estacio did not disappoint!! This book will stop you feeling helpless and not worthy! -- Claudia M Hinz


Embrace challenge, unleash your self-confidence, and recognize your true worth

In this book, you will learn about:

  • What Imposter Syndrome is and what is not
  • The characteristics and symptoms of Imposter Syndrome
  • How mismanaging Imposter Syndrome can be harmful to you and others around you
  • How to use mental imagery to melt away feelings of worry, fear and self-doubt
  • Techniques from Applied Psychology to overcome self-defeating messages
  • PLUS other strategies to help you to keep the positive energy up.

This book also includes a FREE 30-day Action Plan and Workbook to help monitor your progress.